IEEE-USA’s Premier Leadership Event
Changing times demand an Evolution of You™. The dynamics of Leadership are shifting constantly – to stay ahead of the curve, your business skill set must evolve as well. EVO is a one-of-a-kind conference featuring insightful and inspiring keynotes, dynamic panel discussions and immersive sessions to help you advance your career while effecting change in your organization.
IEEE-USA’s two-day flagship event will challenge you to think differently while embracing innovation and creativity. You’ll develop valuable new relationships and share insights with industry peers, all while expanding your knowledge on the journey to becoming a more effective leader.
The exciting EVO 2019 lineup and session schedule will be released in early 2019 – with themes revolving around EVOlead, EVOinspire, EVOcareer and EVOskills. Featured speakers from past leadership events include: Vint Cerf (Google), Corey Doctorow (BoingBoing), Larry Hornbeck (DLP Inventor, Oscar Winner, Texas Instruments), Monique Morrow (Cisco), Alton D. Romig, Jr (Lockheed Martin Skunkworks), Patty Hatter (Intel), Steve Sasson (Digital Camera Inventor, Kodak), Samantha Snabes (re:3D), Maxim Jago (Filmmaker/Futurist), Nancy Martin (GE) & many more.
EVO 2019 will focus on learning and networking – but we haven’t forgotten the fun as well with an opening night Riverboat Cruise planned for Friday and an EVO3k FunRun scheduled for Saturday morning.
Take your career to the next level and invest in yourself. Sign up now to attend IEEE-USA’s EVO 2019 (held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) – August 2-3, 2019 and enjoy a super early bird rate ($100.00 of our normal rate)!
Register Today and Save!
Videos and other relevant materials from our previous leadership events can be found here: