2-3 August 2019 – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Changing times demand an Evolution of You™. The dynamics of Leadership are shifting constantly – to stay ahead of the curve, your business skill set must evolve as well. EVO19 was a one-of-a-kind conference featuring insightful and inspiring keynotes, dynamic panel discussions and immersive sessions to help attendees advance their careers while effecting change in their organization.
IEEE-USA’s two-day flagship event challenged the audience to think differently while embracing innovation and creativity. Attendees developed valuable new relationships and shared insights with industry peers, all while expanding their knowledge on the journey to becoming a more effective leader.
The exciting EVO19 lineup and session schedule revolved around the following themes: EVOlead, EVOinspire, EVOcareer and EVOskills. EVO19 and focused on learning and networking – but we didn’t forget the fun as well with an opening night Riverboat Cruise and an EVO3k FunRun the next morning.
A big thank you to all who attended, as well as our speakers and volunteers. We look forward to seeing you at future leadership events!